It's been a year already
In June 2022 I decided to create this website. At first I didn't have any clear idea in mind, but I wanted to do something. I don't have much idea about web creation or design, so I watched a couple of HTML & CSS tutorials and I created it little by little. I wanted something created from scratch, so I could learn the basics. I wanted a simple, clean and simple design, and the truth is that I'm quite happy with the result. At first I opted for a basic color palette of black and white, then I changed to a few shades of green, and finally I decided for the current colors: purple (#3B185F), yellow (#FEC260) and pink (#A12568).

In terms of content, my initial idea was to create a kind of blog, but finally it has derived in sharing content that I like, be it books that I read, video games that I'm playing or videos/webs that I find interesting. I'm not so good at writing, especially in English, so it's hard for me to write long content in text form. As for web fonts, I use Pacifico for the title and Quicksand for the rest. The plans for this year are to continue adding content and maybe play a little with the design, but the latter will depend on the time I have available. That's all for now!