Little good RPG Maker games
Decent action-adventure games
I recently stumbled upon two games from the same creator: nowis-337 and I really enjoyed them. They are both game jam games and can be completed within an hour each. The first one is RE:Calibur created for Indie Game Making Contest: Rebirth.

As you can tell by the screenshots, the pixel art is amazing with a bright colorful color palette. It reminds me a lot of legendary games like A Link to The Past or Zelda games in general. The only weak point is the combat system, if you have ever played any action RPG Maker game, you already know that. Movement is based on a grid system, you don't have pixel movement, so it feels clunky sometimes and sword combat is not that satisfactory, but anyhow it's a solid short game. The second one is Buffet Knight created for RPG Maker MZ Touch the Stars Game Jam.

This one has a projectile-based combat system, and it feels better. It has some Kirby vibes, you can swallow things and enemies and you can decide whether to use them as bullets, or eat them and recover HP. I really liked the design of both of these games, they are fun to play, they don't have long wall texts introductions, they have little secrets, they both have two endings each and the music really fits the vibes. Enjoy!